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Confessions of a Martha

Confessions of a Martha

Some people have a knack for entertaining. You walk into their home and they make you feel like you belong there. When you leave, you are nourished, refreshed, encouraged, and grateful. I’ll be honest – entertaining doesn’t come naturally to me. At least it didn’t used to. I always had reasons why I shouldn’t have […]

Hit the Reset Button

Hit the Reset Button

The clutter keeps piling up, dust bunnies are multiplying in the corner, and dinner is consistently last-minute. Sound familiar? I have seen many aspects of my home environment spin wildly out of control. When I finally would get fed up and take the time to clean a room or prepare a large batch of dinners […]

A Lean Introduction

A Lean Introduction

Looking at the description of the Proverbs 31 woman can be a bit daunting sometimes. How does she do all those things so gracefully? And does she even sleep? In addition to having her life organized, I’ll bet she also knows how to run her home efficiently, like a well-oiled machine. I imagine she doesn’t […]