The clutter keeps piling up, dust bunnies are multiplying in the corner, and dinner is consistently last-minute.

Sound familiar?

I have seen many aspects of my home environment spin wildly out of control. When I finally would get fed up and take the time to clean a room or prepare a large batch of dinners for the freezer, it seems that the results were short-lived and I’d be back where I started faster than you could say “get it together, lady!”

That elephant has been swept under the rug for more than half a year now in our household. For the last 7 months our family has been living in another kind of disarray as my husband’s job has kept us living out of our suitcases in 4 different states with a baby in tow. It’s easy to justify the disorganization and clutter when you are in a “temporary” living situation. But if I asked myself honestly, I’d say we were not too far off from our typical home mayhem.

Well, this is where I hit the reset button.

We just closed on a house and are in the middle of unpacking and settling in to our new normal. We are establishing new routines and new habits in a new environment, and it seems like a good time begin to do things differently.


Time for a fresh start

Time for a fresh start

“But I’m not going anywhere!”, you might be thinking. That’s ok. You can decide to press the reset button right now, too. It’s even more of a conscious decision for you because you’re not being forced to start fresh.

The first step is asking God to help. He’s in the business of changing hearts, and I know that I will be right back to my old ways if He’s not changing me from the inside out.

Lord, forgive me where I have gotten lazy or complacent with managing my home environment. Design my home, my routines, my environment, and most importantly, my attitude, so that they reflect you in every way. Set me free from old ways of thinking that say, “it can wait”, “it doesn’t matter”, or “I can’t do it”. Free me from the paralysis of perfection, and help me to create a warm, welcoming environment to serve others. In Jesus name, Amen.