Hey you! I want to share with you something I have been working on.

Four years ago, after taking some time to settle in to our busy life as new parents (and having lots of grace for myself for not having it all together), I realized managing my home was harder than I had envisioned. I didn’t really have much of anything together. I needed a game plan.

I started drawing parallels from my work of managing my home to my prior employments as an engineer and tech writer. It was time to get serious about taking care of “business” at home, and I had a whole toolbox full of strategies from my working days to make that happen.

The tools that made the most impact on me were those I had learned in my training on Lean principles. As I began to use these strategies more and more on the tasks and processes I did every day, I realized that these tools were a game changer!

It was a whole new lens through which to look at my life, that allowed me to spot waste and constantly improve everyday processes until they served our family’s needs best. It allowed us to have more capacity for the things we value as a family by ensuring we weren’t wasting any of our precious resources of time, and energy, among others.

Even in the fullest and busiest season of my life to date, I knew I couldn’t keep these life-changing tools all to myself. I felt so passionately about getting them into your hands, that I went ahead and wrote my first book!

Lifestyle Redesigned: Banishing 7 Hidden Wastes from Your Life to Make Room for What Matters Most

The back cover reads:

Home management has been redesigned.
If you’d like to run your home with more purpose, while wasting less time, space, and resources on things that don’t matter to YOU, this book is your instruction manual. Instead of telling you the “best” way of doing the tasks you do every day, the author leads you through a process for assessing what you actually value, and then setting up the systems that work best for you and your family.
The Lean principles used in this book have helped companies achieve faster output, more satisfied customers and employees, and less errors as they have been put to use in a wide range of industries and workplaces since the 1990’s. With this book, they have now been made accessible to a completely different kind of company, Your Home, Inc!

As you learn to see your home through the lens of what you and your family value, you will become an expert at spotting waste- those things that don’t add value to you and those you care about. Whether you are a stay at home mom, a single guy, a college student, or an empty-nester, this book will give you the tools to redesign your daily tasks around what matters most to you.

Author Bio: Yvetta Varatharaj is a civil engineer turned domestic engineer who uses her training in Lean principles on a daily basis.  She nurtures three small but mighty kids (all born within in a four year span) in an array of enriching activities, and supports other moms by helping lead a moms’ group. In the time she has freed up using the tools in this book, she enjoys traveling with her family, cooking Indian cuisine, making delicate French macarons, and running a home management blog at More-Than-Rubies.com.

It is a quick read that will allow you to start tackling the processes in your home in no time. One reviewer wrote:

“…I know so many people who would benefit from these pearls.”


If you would like to get your hands on these tools (trust me, you won’t regret it!), you can find it on Amazon.

Also, show some love by leaving a review when you are done reading it. 😉

I can’t wait to hear how it helps you make room in your life for more of what you love!